Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2:23am Phone Calls

Call me crazy, but I love being awakened from my deep slumber (okay who am I kidding.. my head had barely hit the pillow), but anyways-i love waking up to a phone call from someone you like. That happened this morning at approximately 2:23am. I rolled over, looked at my phone, saw a picture I hadn't seen in quite some time and clicked the big green button that said ANSWER. I was thrilled that this someone had called me.

We had been "talking" for about the last 2 months-had decided to become officially "together" and then shit got real, as they say. He lost his job, he felt inferior and he told me I deserved better (part of me wonders if it was just another girl or what?), but anyways, we decided not to date anymore. Things have been rocky the last week and a half or so and we finally have started talking/text occasionally. I had called him earlier that day to just chat-to catch up on life and to just hear his voice. Oh how I miss him and his voice. But that's another story. We talked for a bit, he texted me after we hung up and then i politely told him goodnight as I began to make my way to my bed later that night. So obviously it surprised me when he had called me at 2:23 am this morning. Me, being half asleep, was probably not the most conversationalist person ever, but I remember our conversation. It's a funny one.

"Hey sorry to wake you" "It's okay I should be up anyways (clearly that was the sleep talking)" **small talk** "well I didn't know who else to call" "about what?" "I'm having a weird pain (he proceeded to explain to me but pretty sure I fell asleep for those 30 seconds) in my right arm. Am I having a heart attack? I figured you would know." **ARE YOU HAVING A HEART ATTACK??? you called me for that!??** "well I don't think so.. for females its the left arm. but I'm pretty sure you aren't having a heart attack"
I proceeded to explain to him I highly doubt he was having a heart attack and I'm glad he called me (and all my medical knowledge self). We chit chatted for a bit-he told me to have an amazing day tomorrow and he remembered everything I had told him I was going to do. It got me thinking, I wonder if he really does still like me? Does he like me or not?? Because I woke up clearly thinking about him, even so much so as I contemplated calling and waking him up just like old times (but be proud, I resisted). It makes things so much more difficult.

 I just don't know what to think, what to do, or how to feel. As of right now, I'll settle for a 2:23am phone call every once in a while.

hopefully hopeless

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